Wednesday 2 February 2011

Mock Evaluation

When making the mocks for my magazine, I decided that I didn't have enough images to choose from. Although I had a suitable amount of photos, I didn't have a huge variety. This prevented me from getting the best possible picture I could for my magazine.

One problem was that some images were not useable for the way that I wanted it. This was because I found that the landscape images that I wanted to use in particular places were not long enough lengthways but too wide. For example, on the front cover for my mock I orignally used a landscape image. But so that it fit on the page, I had to resize the image so it looked very small. Whereas, I found that for the double page spreads, it was better using portrait images compared to landscape. Landscape images took up too much of the page so I had to use portrait images instead, which disabled me from using the image(s) that I wanted. Therefore, when taking the final photo shot I will ensure that I take the photos both portrait and landscape. This will prevent this problem when making the final magazine.

I also found difficulty when choosing photo's for my content's page. Although, I took a variety of photos of the band for my magazine, I didn't take any other photos of anything else. Content's pages include photos of anything that is in the magazine, which means I will have to come up with title pages for the content's page. Therefore, I want to use a range of different photos on my covers page, compared to just photos of the band, as not everything in the magazine is just about the band. I had this problem for my mock because I  only had photos of the band. This will only be particularly important if I use more than one image on the content's page, which I might need to do if theres any spare room on the page. Therefore, for my final shots I will need to come up with ideas for photo's for the content's page.

Another thing I noticed was that when editing the photos, I couldn't cut around every single person. This was because some models overlapped other other models and therefore I could only cut certain models out. I have decided that in my final photo shoot I will include single shots of my models on their own, rather than all of them in the photos together. This will enable me to be able to edit them out of the image so they are on the own incase I want to have them separate somewhere on the pages.

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