Thursday 10 March 2011

Evaluation of Draft Music Magazine

In what ways does your magazine represent particular social groups?
My magazine is based on pop music. This represents young females between the ages of 10-21 as this particular social group would be most interested in this era. This is represented by the use of feminine colours and the girl bands. The fonts used also give a ‘poppy’ feel to the magazine. Because of this genre, I decided it would be best to aim my magazine for young females between the ages of 15-21.

Who would be the audience for your magazine?
The audience for my magazine would be aimed at teenagers and young adults. It would fit in more with the female gender, because of the feminine feel that it gives. This is shown by the use of bright feminine colours such as ‘pink’. I think this colour works well, as it suits the band ‘Ultralove’, as the band mates are all females.

How did you attract/direct your audience?
I want to make the final magazine more relevant to the target audience, to gain their attention to attract them to the magazine more. On my drafts, I have only included female artists. Female teenagers/young adults would be rather interested in male pop artists. Music magazines include posters so that they could be cut out. I have decided I will take photos of males as well as females so that it gains a lot more attraction. This way, I can include the images on the contents page.

What kind of media institution might distribute your magazine and why?
A media institution such as a magazine company would distribute my magazine. The company would probably have an interest in the well-doing of music, especially focusing in the pop genre. They would want to distribute my magazine because music is a very popular subject, and therefore would attract many customers. Also, my magazine is a modern genre featuring music from the charts. This would mean the magazine wouldn’t be out of date, which would attract the new modern generation.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your magazine?
From the process of constructing my magazine, I have learnt about using media based technologies such as cameras and IT. For IT I used all sorts of equipment, ranging from professional programmes such as Photoshop and more complex programme’s like Paint. I used Photoshop to create the drafts. I will use the same technology when creating my final magazine.

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