Thursday 10 March 2011

Final Magazine Changes

For the final images of my magazine, I decided that I wanted to use one model instead of five models. This made the process much quicker and easier, as I found that it was hard to find any free time to organize for all of the model's to get together for the photoshoot. I decided this was best because I couldn't afford to lose anymore valuable time waiting to get them all together. This meant that if I wanted to take images of them all, it would of had to have been done in school time, which I have already decided from previous decisions that it is best not to shoot the photos at school due to the problems that I faced.

From looking back at the test shots I used for my mocks and drafts, I decided that I didn't want to do the photoshoot at school. This was because the setting was located at school, which created a school scene environment. This would not have been ideal to use on my magazine as it wouldn't of fit in with the genre. It would also lose appeal from the target market, as teenagers are at school everyday and wouldn't necessarily want to be seeing school in their choice of magazine.

The setting on the test shots has an old, run-down look to it because the school is a fairly old building. The place that I took my test shots was the only free space that we could find, which was an old part of the school that hadn't been renovated. This is not what I want for my final magazine. I thought it best to completely change my original ideas to prevent this problem from happening again, to ensure that my final magazine looks as modern and professional as it can.

From using one model instead of five, it made the process a lot quicker and handier as I only had one person's hair, make-up and outfits to arrange. It also allowed me to be able to take the images from home. This made it easier for my model to be able to change outfits, as we found this was difficult when I previously took the test photo shoot at school. It also allowed time for me to do her hair and make-up properly, so that it was suitable for a magazine standard. This made the images look far more professional.

I have also decided that I will be changing my Double-page Spread article. This is because as I am no longer doing the band, I won't be able to use the same article as I used on my drafts. I have decided that I want to create a storyline about Hanna (the model that I have used for the final shoot) leaving the band. I found that this would be an original, yet catchy storyline which would make the context of the magazine far more interesting. Also, this keeps my ideas and planning for my magazine alive, as the band 'Ultralove' will still exist - except from the fact that it has lost a band mate. This way, I could include the band into my final magazine, by editing the test shot images to cut Hanna out so that I could include this onto the content's page. This will improve the content's page by having images of other artists in the magazine, as the magazine is not going to be all about Hanna.

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