Thursday 10 March 2011

Final Article Questions

1) What made you decide to leave your fellow bandmates?
2) Did you have fallout with any of the band mates?
3) What was your best experience when you were with Ultralove?
4) Would you say you had the best talent out of your fellow band members?
5) Do you think that you will you ever go back to Ultralove?
6) Now, back to you. How have you found your experience since you’ve been in the spotlight?
7) What’s good about going solo?
8) What about your songwriting talent we’ve heard about?
9) How would you describe your songs?
10) How have you managed to cope at such a young age?
11) There are so many female solo singers in the music industry. How did you manage to crack it?
12) On that note, before I go let’s talk about your future ‘hit’. How do you feel about your current album, ‘Your Love, My Desire’?

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