Monday 24 January 2011

Language Register

The language for my magazine will be formal standard English. The language used in magazines is written. Formal Standard English is more importantly used for written communication. It needs to be professional, and therefore, it needs a formal language to keep people interested and take the magazine seriously. I will try to avoid any non-standard English such as slang or colloquial words in my magazine. However, this cannot be guaranteed because if I choose to do an interview for my article on my double-page spread, I cannot ensure what the band members will say. However, I won't allow anything rude, or swearwords for example to appear on or in my magazine. This is because the age group targeted towards my magazine is between 15-21, which means that people of rather young ages will be reading it. I also will not allow anything that would be found offensive. I will ensure that the sentence structure is of a very suitable standard, to make sure that the magazine is understandable, and the readers know exactly about what is written without any confusion. To keep the magazine formal standard english I will have to ensure that the vocabary, grammar and punctuation used are correct and free from any informal language. Words will have to be spelt correctly, and not abbreviated or shortened. I will make sure that I don't have any spelling mistakes or errors in my magazine as magazines hardly ever have any errors. Therefore, if I had anything wrong on my magazine it wouldn't be very professional. To prevent this from happening I will proof read everything before I publish my final magazine.

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