Monday 24 January 2011

Test Shots Inspiration: Costumes

When researching the band 'The Saturday's', I was particularly inspired by the use of colours on their clothing. I noticed that in most of the pictures, each band member had their own individual colour. I have decided to use the same idea for pictures that I will take for my magazine. I would like my models/band members to all dress in different colours, so that they are all individual. As I want bright colours on my magazine, I will ensure that they dress in bright colours.

I was particularly inspired by this specific image because I noticed that rather than wearing bright coloured clothing such as dresses, they wore coloured items of clothing such as tights, with plain black dresses. I think this has a good effect because it doesn't look over the top with too many colours. It also looks very classy and sophisticated. Therefore, I have decided for my test shots I will create the same idea for the clothing by using coloured tights, or accessories. This will allow me to be able to compare which looks best for my magazine, as I will have to include coloured fonts, and I want to achieve something that looks bright and interesting, but not like it has been overdone. So I want to prevent using too much colour as much as I can on the shots, especially because there is five band members and therefore means I will have a lot of different colours on my magazine.

1 comment:

  1. Well done for catching up Becky. Lots of very impressive posts and you've got a clear vision for what you want to do.

    Keep up the good work.
