Sunday 23 January 2011

Double-page spread analysis

This is an example of a double-page spread from NME magazine featuring the solo artist Florence from 'Florence and the Machines'.

It has a very simple layout. The image is on the left-hand side of the page, with the text on the right.

The photograph is situated on the right hand side of the page. It is a big image that takes up half the page of the double-page spread, which means it is A4 sized. This makes the page look full. It also prevents it from looking too busy with too much writing. The effect this has is that it draws the reader in, especially fans of Florence, because of the big clear image.

The title for the double-page spread is a very good idea. This is because it is the name of one of Florence's songs 'You got the love'. This is a catchy title, and is also original. It is in a fancy font. This makes the heading look stylish and adds some glamour to the page.

It also has USA in very large writing to fill up the extra space in the backround. It is in a pale, light font. The paleness of the font prevents it from standing out too much. This isn't needed because it already stands out due to the size of the text. The text is also in capital letters which makes it stand out even more. This heading implies that the text has something to do about the USA.

The font for the text is a small sized font. This allows the article to fit onto the page. It is also black, which makes it look professional as it stands out against the white/grey background. Also, the font is very clear. This makes it readable. It also makes the double-page spread look professional, because if it was in a fancy font the whole page would look overdone. It gives a very simple, yet effective look.

The article includes a subheading before the text for an introduction to the article. This gives an overall summary and idea of what the article is about. It is in a reasonably small font, but is just a bit bigger than the text of the article, just to make it slightly stand out. It is in a plain, simple styled font to ensure that it is clear and readable. There is also a use of highlighted words 'Florence Welsh' shown in the colour blue, because it is the name of the artist. This shows that the article is about her.

Before the start of the text, the first letter of the first word is in a big, bold fancy font. This makes it stand out to show that it is the beginning of the article. It also adds to the style of the page.

The colour theme is rather overall dull including colours such as grey, black and white. It also has a small amount of red in the photo. This is very effective against the dulls out because red is a very bright colour so it brings attention to the page and makes it look more interesting. It also matches Florence's red coloured hair. The red and white striped fabric also links to the USA, as this is on the flag.

This is an example of a double-page spread featuring pop star Jamelia.

The layout is quite effective. It makes the page look very full and busy. The text of the article is on the bottom side of the left-hand page, and to the far right side of the page. The images are also on both sides; one in the top left-hand corner and one near the centre of the page. The title is in the middle of the left-hand side.

The colour theme is overall quite dull; black, orange and white. I think these colours look quite effective on the page, but I don't think they match together.

The title 'Jamelia' has a white edge around the font, but has a transparent fill effect. This allows you to see the background. I think this is a very good idea because it makes the font look patterned, and more interesting compared to just a normal bold, filled in font.

The font for the article text is in a plain and simple font. This makes it readable and clear to see, so that the reader doesn't have any difficulty reading the text.

The article is based on questions and answers. This is shown by the use of colours; the questions are in white and the answers are shown in orange. The effect this has is that it makes it noticeable what the questions are, and what the answers are. It also splits the text up into paragraphs, so that it is spaced out and not all together. This makes it more understandable and less confusing.

I like the transparency effect so that you can see the background through it. I think this makes the page look interesting and different, compared to it just being a plain colour.

This is an example of a double-page spread featuring a famous pop band; The Black Eyed Peas. I wanted to research an example of a double-page spread featuring a band, as I am deciding whether or not to do a band for my magazine, and I wanted to see how bands can be featured in double-page spreads.

The layout is rather simplistic. The picture is situated on the left-hand side with the writing situated on the right. This has a good effect as it stops the page from looking overcrowded. It also looks professional and stylish.

The image is a photo of The Black Eyed Peas. Therefore, it takes up a lot of room on the page as there is four of them, compared to just one solo artist. Because of this, it means there isn't a lot of space for the article text. I will have to consider this if I do a band because it might take up valuable space on my double-page spread.

The title and the subheading/introduction are shown half way down on the left-hand side of the page, over the image. By being in the middle of the page, rather than at the top ensures that it is below the artists' waists so that their faces aren't hidden and we can clearly see who it is. They are in fancy fonts to add detail. The font used gives that sort of 'electrical' feel.

The font for the article is in a just an ordinary, plain font. This makes it simple so that it is readable. It also prevents the page from looking too clashy with lots of different fancy fonts.

The colour scheme is quite simple; black white and gold. The use of the gold makes the page look stylish, and it adds glamour. It also gives an effective metallicy look. Black and white are very plain, simple colours, whereas gold is a very vibrant, stylish colour. The gold adds to the plain colours which makes it look 'eye-catching'. I think these colours work very well together as they don't clash, or look too boring at the same time. They also bring attraction towards the page.

The costumes are indivudual and unique, as they suit the colour theme and gold is quite an unusual colour to wear on clothing. This makes them stand out. It also makes The Black Eyed Peas look stylish.

The page number is the bottom corner of both sides of the double-page spread. It is in a small, easy to read font.

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