Sunday 23 January 2011

Contents page analysis

This is a contents page for Vibe magazine. I chose to annotate this because I find it inspiring due to the fact that it is interesting.

The contents title I think has a very creative look. It is different and unusual due to the fact that it is split into 3 sections on 3 lines, rather than all on one line. The effect this has is that it draws more attention to the title as it doesn't look boring. It also doesn't look like it would look on a contents page for any other magazine, as it is set out differently. The white title stands out against the black. It is also in capital letters, and bold. This makes it very clear and noticeable.

I think the pose is very interesting as it is quite unusual/unique. Also, the way that the model crosses her legs to make the letter 'V' for to stand for 'Vibe' magazine is very effective. It also is quite effective the way that it goes around the bottom corner of the page. The use of the image takes up most of the page which makes it look more full and busy. This shows that it is an important feature of the page. Also, the use of the image draws attention which gains interest, whereas just writing would look very plain. This therefore looks better on a visual perspective which makes it look more professional.

The background colour matches the models outfit, with the use of grey. It gives a dull, dark scene which gives a modern, revived kind of look. The heels that shes wearing also connotes classiness and sophistication.

Overall, the colour themes I think work very well together. The use of black font stands out well against the grey background, whereas the white stands out well against the black. I think this looks very together as the colours are matching. They are also all very dull, plain colours, but they don't look bland or boring when put together.

This is an example of a contents page from Mojo magazine; a music magazine.

The title for this contents page isn't very specific as it doesn't show that its a contents page, because the name of the magazine is shown rather than the heading 'contents'. This makes it clear that it's Mojo magazine, however it doesn't make it clear that it's a contents page.

The layout of this contents page is very simple, yet very effective. The contents are in the centre of the page, with pictures surrounding them, and the title at the top of the page. I like the way that the pictures surround the contents because it gives the page a background.

The pictures include the page number that they are located on. This is very helpful as it makes it easier to the reader. Also, pictures are more noticeable and attract attention, compared to text. Therefore, by using page numbers to label what page the image is on makes it rather handy for the reader. It is also a good way to fill up any blank space that needs filling up.

The contents font is a very clear font to make it readable as this is the most important information on the page. This makes it more professional.
The date and issue number is situated at the top of the page, above the title. They are both in small fonts, as these aren't important information, and therefore doesn't need to be the first thing that the reader needs to see.

These are two different, yet very similar examples of the contents page from two different copies of Fused magazine. I chose to use two examples because they are both very similar and both consist of the same style, but they just have different colour themes.

The layout is the same for both of the pages; showing the title 'contents' at the top left hand side of the pages, with the pages and information underneath. The rest of the pages are filled with slogans and images. The effect that this has is that it fills up the page. I find this very effective as it looks very busy and interesting which I think works well together. This therefore catches the readers eye and immediately gains their attention.

There are a lot of images on both of the pages. They are quite unusual images, which are all cartoon. I think this fits in well with my genre because the cartoon images give a kind of 'pop' and rock vibe.

There is a variety of different ranges of fonts used on both magazine pages. Most of the fonts consist of 'bubble writing', including the name of the magazine and slogans/keywords. The use of bubble writing makes the fonts look bolder and more full, which again adds to the whole busyness on the page. It also allows the fonts to stand out and catch the readers eye. However, the font used for the page number and contents is not bubble writing. This enables the writing to be clear so that it is easy to read. It is also in black, which allows it to stand out against the brown and grey backgrounds. The effect of the black makes it stand out because everything else on the page consists of colours.

Although everything on the page seems to be mixed around which gives a 'messy' effect, the contents are ensured that they are all together, rather than being mixed anywhere on the page. This makes it much more understandable, and prevents confusion. It also makes the page look neat. The contents are also in a clear font, and are not colourful. By not using bubble writing for the contents font and having no colour prevents the page from looking too 'over the top' or clashy, as the rest of the page consists of this effect. 

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