Tuesday 25 January 2011

Test Shots Evaluation

Overall, I think the tests shot went okay. However, I don't think it was very productive as I didn't get many pictures. This was because I had to take the photos in school, and we found it very difficult to find good places to do the shoot. We were also short for time so it was reasonably rushed. This stopped from getting the best shots possible, as I don't have a variety of lots of different poses.

Myself and the models all found that poses were an option that we struggled with. I didn't research any poses for the inspiration of my test shots, so I think that was the reason why we found it difficult to come up with new ideas on the spot. I have decided that I am going to research some poses that inspire me so that when I take the real photos for my magazine, we don't face this problem again.

Another problem I found was that the frist room we went in to take the photos lacked space. This stopped me from being to able to get the models full body into the picture, so I decided to go into a corridor to get them all into the shot fully. However, the lighting was rather dull in the next room, which meant that the quality of the images didn't look too great.

Because I took the photos at school, the models wern't able to wear full make-up like I had planned, or get too dressed up because they felt uncomfortable in the school environment. Therefore, when I take the real photos for the magazine, I have decided to do it at home. This will give me more time, and then the model's can get dressed up. It will also mean that I will be able to take a variety of plenty different shots and poses.

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