Tuesday 25 January 2011

Band Name Font: Ultralove

For deciding the font I will use for the name of the band for my magazine, I decided to pick out the best fonts I was inspired by the most from when I researched fonts to use. I particularly liked the following four fonts: 'Journal', 'Sunshine in the Soul', 'Complete in Him' and 'Rolina' (from http://www.dafont.com/). To ensure that I got the best idea of what the band name 'Ultralove' would look like in the font, I made sure that I showed some examples. This will enable me to be able to be 100% sure that I choose the right font, which is suitable for the magazine and the band. I also decided to develop the title. For example, I found that for some of the fonts ('Journal' and 'Complete in Him') had heart shapes that you could use. This fitted in with the name of my band, as hearts are associated with the word love (which is in the band name). So I decided to include hearts and develop the title by putting hearts in different places.

Font number 1: 'Journal'

This was the first try that I did to test the font. I think this alone, looks very effective. I think it's a fancy and stylish font, which is ideal for the name of my band, because it suits the band. I like the way that it is slanted and some of the letters join together to give that stylish effect.

I decided to see what it looked like if I did a heart instead of the word 'love' as an abbrviated version for Ultralove. Although it's an original idea, I don't think this would work for the band name font because not everyone will assume or know that the heart stand for 'love', so they would just think the band is called Ultra which I don't want to happen!

I then decided to develop another idea because I didn't like the last one. So I did another example that included the 'love' as well as the heart. I think this makes it look a lot more effective. The use of the heart adds some decoration, whilst keeping it clear what the name of the band is. However, the use of the heart might make the page look a bit tacky, as though it is aimed at younger children which won't appeal to my target audience. Therefore, I will have to make sure I consider this when making the magazine.

I then decided to develop the font again by using a heart instead of the O. I think this is a very good and orginal idea. However, with this particular font it doesn't look completely right. It looks slightly spaces away from the other letters and takes away the slanted, joined up effect which is the effect that makes the font fancy and stylish, which I want to achieve for my the font for my band.

Font number 2: 'Sunshine in my Soul'

I decided to look into this font for the name of my band because it is a stylish, fancy font. This is by the way that all the letters are joined up and the way that the font slants to to side. This font would be an ideal font for the name of my band due to it fitted in with the female gender and having that 'girly' look/appeal to it. The only problem with it is that it is quite a thin, narrow font which would make it stand out less.
Due to there not being any hearts for this specific font, I decided to develop this font by seeing what it looked like with a lower case letter at the beginning of the title, instead of a capital letter. I think this looks more effective, because it looks less cramped together against the L.

Font number 3: 'Complete in Him'

I like the originality of the font, by the way that all the letters are individual because they are of different sizes/heights. Also, some letters are randomly in capital letters (the R for example). I think this is a rather catchy and interesting effect. I also like the boldness of it. It would work very well on the magazine as it would stand out. It is clear and understandable to read, which again would work well on the magazine. However, I think that it looks rather plain and simple which I think would look boring on the page.

Like the previous font I looked into, this particular font including heart shapes. I wanted to see what it looked like instead of an O. I found that the heart looks too big and out of place compared to the other letters.

I then wanted to see what this particular font (compared to the previous font), looked like with a heart on the end to add that extra detail. I again found that the heart looked too big and out of place. Therefore, I think that the font looks better without the heart idea.

Font number 4: 'Rolina'

I liked the simplicity of this font and decided to look into it. I like the shapes of the letters and the way that some look thicker than others. However, because it is so plain and simple, it doesn't look very stylish. I think that this makes it less interesting.

This specific font didn't have any heart shapes. So I decided to create a heart shape using the arrow symbol '<' and the number '3' to see what it looked like. I don't think it looks effective. It also looks quite tacky and childish, and unprofessional for a magazine.

Font number 5: 'Candy Inc'

I decided to look into this particular style of font by the way that it has everything that I am looking for in a font. This includes the way that it is stylish and fancy due to it being joined up and slightly slanted, whilst being bold and clear at the same time.

I decided to develop the last font by adding this 'curled' effect on the end of the band name. I think this works well because it makes it look more interesting. It also . However, I am not too sure exactly how this would look on the magazine cover, because it might not slightly over the top against everything else that's on the page. It might also be clashy against the background/image etc. Therefore, if I decide to use this font, I will have to see if it looks better with this effect or not so that I ensure I get the best possible font I can.

Font number 6: 'Cutie Pop'

I was particularly interested in this font by the way that it has that 'pop' look and feel about it. It also has the word 'pop' used for the title of the font, which suggests it was purposely inspired and themed around pop. I like the way that it the letters look curly which suggests that it looks 'girly'. This therefore, fits in well with my target audience as well as the genre, because it is aimed at young girls (which is who my magazine will be aimed towards). I also think it would fit in well for the band, because they are also young teenage girls. It is a clear, understandable font that is spaced out. All the letters are all the same size/height. This makes it easy to read. I was inspired by the use of the heart inside the O, as the heart fits in with the word 'love'.

I adapted this by including an exclamation mark at the end, as I found out that this particular font had a heart on the exclamation mark. Therefore, I was inspired by this because the use of the heart adds to the title as it fits in well with the whole 'love' idea. However, I don't think an exclamation mark would be ideal to use for the font for my band name as I think it makes the band name taken less seriously.

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