Monday 24 January 2011

Band Profile: 'Ultralove'

For the creating of my band, I wanted five band members as I think this is a good, suitable number of people to have in a band. This is because it's an odd number, which is helpful when it comes to taking shots and pictures.

For deciding who I wanted to be the members of my band, I chose to have five contrasting personalities to make the band very interesting, yet every member is original and unique. I chose to have my friends Abbie Shingler, Bethen Dann, Chloe Norman, Hanna West and Navneet Virk as my band members. I chose Abbie because of her very outgoing personality. I chose Bethen because she is a very energetic, loud and lively character. I chose Chloe because she is the more grown up and mature one of the group. I chose Hanna because she is the sensible caring one. Finally, I chose Nav because of her very funny sense of humour. I think all of these different personalities work well together, which is why I decided to use them as my band members. I find it essential to have different characters because when put into a band, no one is the same and they are all original. Therefore, it makes the band for more interesting. This will help when it comes to writing articles for my double page spread because there is a range of different things for each character to talk about. They also all look very different and have their own style. This will be more effective when it comes to taking photos as they won't all look the same. I want to achieve this look so that it doesn't look bland or boring.

For coming up with a name for the band, I decided to use 'Ultralove'. Before I came up with the name for the band, I was researching music words to inspire me for a band name. However, I didn't find or adapt anything that was very interesting or unique. I then decided to research common band names that are already created. I came across the band 'Ultrabeat'. This particularly caught my interest because I previously came up with the idea of 'Beat' for the name of my magazine (which I didn't decide to use in the end). I was inspired by the word 'ultra' at the beginning of the name, and decided to use the word 'love' after it. Although 'ultra' and 'love' are two different words, I joined the together to make the name of the band all one word. (I think this works better for a band name because I find that names are more catchy when they are all one word.) I also like the way that it consists of two syllables, as I find this adds to the way that the name is pronounced or read. Although the word 'love' isn't anything to do with music, it can be associated with music because people are very passionate about music. This therefore represents that the band is passionate about their love of music. The word 'love' was a good word to use, because it could relate to other things as opposed to if I used a word to do with music, it wouldn't connote anything else, but music. I thought this was a very catchy name for a young girl band. It suits the band perfectly because they are all young girls, and its a very 'girly' title. It also sounds quite new and refreshed, and this is what this new band are because they have only just recently been formed.

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