Tuesday 25 January 2011

Masthead Font: Muze

To ensure that I got as many ideas as possible and to enable me to get the best font for the title of my magazine, I got every example of the fonts that I previously researched in the word of my magazine name 'Muze'. (The examples are in the same order as the first picture shown). This way, I know exactly what the title for my magazine looks like in all the fonts. This will enable me to be able to decide what font I think suits the title 'Muze' best and what will look best on my magazine. I will also be able to decide which fits in most with the pop genre, and what will appeal to the target audience, young females aged between 15-21. This will ensure that I am definate about my choice, so that I don't have to change my mind at a later date.

The particular fonts I were inspired by were:

Font number 1: 'King Cool FC'

I think this particular font has a 'pop' look to it by the use of curves and curls at the end of the letters. I also like the way that every letter is the same size/height. This would look effective for a title. It is also very clear and easy to read. Overall, I think this would be ideal for my magazine because it fits in with my genre. It also fits in with my target audience, because I think it would appeal to young females between the age 15-21.

 Font number 2: 'Sunshine in my Soul'

This is an example of a more stylish, fancy font that I am inspired by. I like the use of curls on the letters and the way that it is slightly slanted. I also like how some of the letters join up. This gives the stylish effect. I think this effect would work well for my magazine as it would fit in very well with my target audience. However, it is a very thin font which wouldn't stand out on the page. It is also not very clear, because the Z doesn't look like a Z. This makes it difficult to read.

Font number 3: 'Pastel Crayon'

I like the way that this example has a blurred effect. I think this is a very plain, simple font which is clear and easy to read. It is also very edgy. However, I don't think this would be ideal for the title/masthead of my magazine because I don't feel as though it has a music feel to it as it doesn't look very 'pop' like. I think it's more artistic. It also doesn't fit in very well with my target audience, as I think it would suit or appeal to the male gender more.

Font number 4: 'Complete in Him'

I like the way that the letters are different sizes. The Z adds a bit of shape and bulk to the title. I am also inspired by the way that that the letters curl on the end. The use of the curls fits in with my target audience, as it's more appealing to females. I also think it suits the genre as I think it has the 'pop' look to it, due to it looking edgy and stylish at the same time. It is also clear and easy to read, due to the boldness that makes it noticeable. I think this font would work well as a masthead as it would look effective.

 Font number 5: 'Brushed'

This is an example of a very artistic use of font. I think this because it has a brush effect to it. I like the way that it is clear to read and all the letters are capital letters which makes it stand out. It is also thick, which again makes it stand out. Therefore, it is a bold, eye-catching font. I think this would look good as a title because it is an interesting font. However, I think it would be more aimed for an arty magazine, compared to a music one.

Font number 6: 'Blake'

I was inspired by this font. It immediately caught my eye by having the 'pop' look to it. I also like the way how the letters are all in capitals. I also thought the dot in the middle of the E made it look rather effective and added an edgy effect to it. However, it is quite a thin sized font which might not long too effective as a title because it might not stand out as well as bolder fonts would.

Font number 7: 'Levi Brush'

This is another example of a brush-effect font. It is similar to the font 'Brushed' apart from the fact that it isn't in capital letters. I think the use of this effect makes it an artistic font. Like the other font, it is thick, which makes it stand out. Therefore, it is a bold, eye-catching font. Again, I think it would be more aimed for an arty magazine, compared to a music one.

Font number 8: 'Candy Inc'

I was particularly inspired by this font because it is quite similar to the font of Rolling Stone magazine, which is a music magazine. It is a stylish, fancy font by the way that it is slightly slanted and has a curl to the letter. I like the way that it is bold, which makes it stand out. However, it isn't completely ideal due to it not being very readable. This is because the Z could get confused, as you can't tell that it's a Z very well.

After looking into these fonts that I was particularly inspired by, I have compared them. From comparing these fonts, I was particularly inspired by font number 1, number 4, and number 6. All of these fonts would be ideal to use for my music magazine because they have the 'pop' look to it. From doing this research, it has enabled me to decide the font that I would like to use for my magazine. I have chosen the font number 1 that I researched called 'King Cool FC'. Out of all the fonts, I think this will be the most ideal for my music magazine. This is because it is a suitable font that suits the genre, target audience and the band for my magazine. It is also suitable for a magazine by the way that it is clear and easy to read.

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