Sunday 23 January 2011

Front cover analysis

This is an example of a front cover from Rolling Stone magazine featuring Britney Spears. I chose to annotate this because it fits in with the genre that I would like to do for my magazine as Britney Spears is a pop artist.

The title 'Rolling Stone' is situated at the top of the page, like every magazine. This is essential because it is the masthead. 'Rolling Stone' is a reasonable catchy title. This has inspired me to create something edgy. I like the use of the font for the title because it is slanted and has a curl-like effect on the letters. Personally, I like slanted fonts as I think they look very effective, as they are a lot more interesting and catchy to the eye, compared to normal fonts. It is also quite a bold font. This has a good effect because it makes it stand out and look a lot more noticeable, whereas a thin font would not have this effect.This therefore makes the magazine look more eye-catching, which I am inspired by because I would like my magazine to be very appealing to the eye, and have the 'wow factor'. The font used for the cover lines is all the same font. It is a clear and easy to read font which is necessary so that it is readable. Personally, I think the font is quite bland.

Also, the celebrity/artist is in front of the title. The effect this has is that is allows the image to be bigger, or more of the image can be fit onto the cover. However, the problem with this is that you cant completely see the whole of the title. This isn't a problem for Rolling Stone because it is quite a popular, famous magazine that people already know or have heard of, and so they don't need to show every letter. I will take this into account when making my magazine, as it will be new and no one would of heard of it.

The use of colours are quite dull and bland; grey, yellow, white and a small bit of red. However, I think the use of colours are very effective together and it gives a sort of edgy look. The colours also match very well together.

The camera angle is a mid-shot picture. I think this is a very good and inspiring camera angle for magazines, as it shows half of the body. This therefore enables you to be able to see clothes or costumes, whereas a close-up shot would not show any of this. I am particularly inspired to show my models clothing because I think that for a music magazine, you want to see what your favourite artists/idols are wearing and therefore it makes the front cover a lot more appealing to the eye on the whole. It also makes it fit in with fashion, which widens the target market. However, this example of a front cover of a music magazine doesn't show this very well because the use of clothing is reasonably bland. The colour is rather dull also, to suit the background and font colours.

The model, Britney Spears, is looking away from the camera. She is also seen to be 'wearing' a rather big smile, which connotes energy and liveliness. This contrasts with the background, and colours etc as they are all quite dull. Because Britney is a well-known celebrity, it gains more attraction towards the magazine. Also, she is centred in the middle of the magazine which again attracts even more attention because the eye first draws focus towards the centre of the page.

The issue date is situated at the top right hand corner of the page. It is also in a reasonably small sized font, so that it doesn't take up too much room on the page. The effect this has on the reader enables them to draw attention to the rest of the magazine so that they gain interest to the headlines instead of focusing on the date.

I chose to annotate this front cover of NME magazine because Rihanna is a well-known pop singer, and therefore fits in with the genre for the magazine I would like to do. NME is also a very popular music magazine and therefore could give me some good inspiration.

I love the use of bright, contrasting colours. I am very inspiring my bold, noticeable things that stand out and are appealing to the eye. I think the use of the royal blue and bright pink colours look really catchy together. I also like how the background is quite a dull colour but the use of bright colours makes it noticeable as attention is drawn to the colours. Therefore, this will inspire me to use dull colours as well as bright, because if it is all completely full of bright colours it might look over the top and clashy.

The use of the title 'NME' and 'RIHANNA' used in capitals has a good effect because it makes the font look bigger and bolder. The effect this has is that it stands out. They are also very clear fonts that aren't joined up so that it is readable. The use of the pink against the grey and black background contrasts very well together.

I am also particularly keen on the use of costume and make-up that has been used for the model. This draws attention and makes the magazine front cover look stand out. This has inspired me to use make-up and bright coloured clothing when doing the shots for my magazine. 

The date is situated above the title at the top left hand side of the page. It is in a reasonably small font, to detract any attention as the attention is focused on around the rest of the magazine, such as cover lines that make the reader want to buy it. The effect this has is that it saves up more room on the front cover, so that the page doesn't look too full or busy. The barcode is situated at the bottom right hand corner of the page. It includes the price above it, which is also in a reasonably small font. This is suitable because they don't want people to be drawn to the price before they get put off buying the magazine, so the cover lines are bigger and more noticeable. They are also catchy and short to gain interest.

Also, the use of including a quote from Rihanna: "You need people who aren't afraid to tell you when you're f**king up" draws the readers attention and makes them want to purchase the magazine to see what she has to say. 

I chose to analyze the front cover of Blender music magazine featuring Katy Perry. Katy Perry is very famous pop artist who I am inspired by, for the genre of my magazine.

The colour scheme for this front cover is mainly black and pink, against the plain white background. I think that the pink and black work very well together because they are both contrasting colours. They also work well against the white background as they are noticeable. I think that the white background is somewhat boring, as it doesn't seem very initiative. Also, if I was to use a white background for my magazine I think it would give an 'effortless' kind of look which I don't want to achieve as I want a bold, bright look.

The title for the magazine is a very bold clear font. It is black which is very noticeable against the white background. These are effective use of colours because it makes the title stand out. Black and white also go very well together. I like the use of the font that has been used for the cover lines. It has a kind of 'cool' and edgy sort of look to it. It is also all in capitals which makes it look bigger and bolder. The effect this has is that it stands out. It is also a very clear and easy to read font. There is also quite a lot of cover lines on this particular magazine cover which makes the page look more full.

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