Wednesday 26 January 2011

Front Cover Photo

This is the photo from my test shots that I have decided I am going to use on the mock front cover of my magazine. I chose to use this as I found that this was the shot that I liked the best, and also worked the best compared to the other test shots. This included things such as eye-contact because everyone is looking at the camera. The lighting is also very effective because all the models can be clearly seen. It is also against a clear white background, so that the models stand out and aren't detracted from anything going on in the background, such as the location (the locations in my test shots wern't too great because I had to do my photo shoot at school). The size of the models is also a good point, the photo is zoomed in enough so that they are clearly seen and of a suitable and simple size to be able to edit/photshop. They are also all pretty much in the shot (with a slight bit of Nav and Abbie cut out).  I am very keen on the way that each of the models all have individual poses, I think this is the key feature of the photo.

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