Sunday 23 January 2011

Magazine title

For choosing what I was going to call my magazine, the best ones that I came up with were between 'Muze' and 'Pulse' and 'Beat'.

I wanted the name for my magazine to be short and snappy so that it is a catchy, yet memorable title. So I decided to only use a word with only one syllable. Therefore, this makes the title gain more attention/interest by the simplicity of it. I also think that it makes it original.

I chose on the title 'Muze' for my magazine. I was simply inspired to think of this name by shortening and abbreviating the word 'Music'. I decided to use the letter 'Z' rather than an 'S' to make it original. I wanted to keep it short and snappy so that it has more of an effect and just rolls off the toungue. It also means that it is memorable that nobody will forget!

The word 'muse' is also a word which is linked to music, therefore making it meaningful for my magazine. It is classed as 'something that an artist or writer creates, and it gives the artists ideas'. This made me more inspired to call this the name of my magazine because it is something that I will be writing and creating, to give musical inspirations and ideas for artists or music fans. It is also seen as 'somebody who is a source of inspiration for an artist, especially a poet'. This links with the music which is ideal for my magazine.

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